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Showing posts from April, 2014

The weights and balance of teaching

I always knew I wanted to teach.  In a preschool, an elementary school, a private elementary school, a private music studio, my own home, and then my own private music studio.  I've taught in all of these situations.  As for any teacher (regardless of subject or age range of students) all of these different locations have their pros, cons and struggles. The hardest part I believe, is balancing our dedication to our students (the reason that we do what we do) their parents/school administrators (who pay us to teach their child) and ourselves.  It's a fine line to do what is best for the student, while pleasing the parent or our bosses, and keeping our own lives balanced. I personally get vested in each family.  Even if I do not teach their child myself.  I try to know every student at Keys & Strings, to greet their parent or family member.  To know a bit about their lives, culture and customs.  I've adjusted lesson plans to in...