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Showing posts with the label private lessons

How to pick a GREAT private music teacher

Might sound like an odd subject for a music teacher to choose to write about.  But hear me out on this.  I have had to do this very thing several times as a studio owner when I need to extend our sub contractor reach.  I can only teach so many hours in the day.  I love what I do, I feel I am good at what I do (and my retention rate and students who go on to higher education also backs up that statement) but I still have room to learn and grow. I feel that a GREAT private music teacher is one who doesn't treat their teaching schedule as a job.  A person who truly loves sharing their knowledge, goes the extra step (few minutes or mile) to not just stop the learning because the clock says TIMES UP!  A person who doesn't put a dollar amount on every minute. Now do not get me wrong, I make a living at being a private music teacher.    I also work a lot more than the average american work week because I give a lot of lessons away too.  I al...
Welcome to the official First entry of our Keys & Strings Music Studio Blog dedicated to our private lesson and ensemble students. If you are still a Kindermusik member we still have our Kindermusik blog too! This Keys & Strings Blog will be specifically for our older students. Fiddle, violin, viola, piano, voice, theory, ensemble, performance and masterclass students should make it a point to visit at least once a week to be in the know! We also are maintaining a new facebook page just for you as well, please visit and like us on facebook! We'll be uploading videos, pics and weekly 'notes' of interest, so stay tuned! (pun intended)