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Recital News you Need to Know

Recital News to Know June 22, 2014 Church of the Resurrection, Pond Hill Road Wallingford Arrive between 12:30 and 12:40.    We will start promptly at 12:45 If you need to reach Ms. Sandie for an emergency situation do so via email Do NOT call the studio number, email will go directly to her cell phone. Musicians will sit in the far left rows starting in the first row. Graduating Seniors and their guests have been reserved the front center row.  A sign will be posted on their row. Please have your musician bring their instrument (string musicians only), music if needed, a stand if in ensemble. Please wear something nice.  No jeans/shorts/tshirts/sweatshirts/sneakers please. Please be a respectful audience.  You want people to listen, cheer and clap for you.  Please do the same for our other musicians.  We ask that you do your best to be engaged for the entire event....