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Showing posts with the label grandparents

" It takes a village" applies to music instruction too, why private study reinforces school programs

It is a very rare occurrence that your musician will master his/her instrument by ONLY studying in a public school music program.   Public Group School Music educators have a daunting task in 4th grade to try and teach all different instruments to all different students with all different learning styles in a group setting.  I give them lots of credit! If you feel that your musician really does have a knack for an instrument, I recommend that you really consider private instruction. Just as you invest in their education through tutoring, or invest in their health by visiting the dentist twice a year...……...consider private instruction for their instrument a way to give them a leg up on the competition. Private instruction with the right educator will help your musician soar.    The right educator will observe your musician, and start to pick up cues on how to best teach your musician. Parents, Grandparents and other extended family members are important too....

But do you know "Happy Clown"?

On a recent visit to see his Grandma, Noah S (a new piano enounters student) was excited to notice that she had a piano. Grandma even found one of her old lesson books with her name and Age 7 written in the cover. She played him several songs................and then he asked............but do you know Happy Clown? That's my favorite. When she said that she was sorry but no, she didn't know that song, he quipped, I do! I'll play it for YOU! And he did. Great job Noah!