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Showing posts with the label home

An open discussion about how YOU fit 'music making at home' aka Practice into your lives

As I feel that many people feel the word 'practice' has a negative connotation, I like to use the phrase 'music making at home' with my students and families. Even with this positive spin, I am continually met with 'I don't have time to practice'. It's an epidemic ! Rather than make students feel more guilty or unhappy with themselves or me, I thought we'd start a dialogue among all music families to see how they fit it into their life. My suggestion is always 'grazing'. Play one or two pieces several times in little segments of time. Before the bus comes (if you are an early riser) Right when you get home from school. Again while Mom or Dad make dinner. It's easy to get 15 - 30 minutes in a day if you break it down. Please share with us how you fit it in!