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Showing posts with the label Performance

Master Classes are almost here

I'm looking forward to this coming week's Performance Master Classes. I sense that alot of of parents and students alike are curious, a bit nervous even. This I hope will be a fun and educational experience for all involved. Even the most seasoned performers can learn something new. For the newer students, this is a good test run for recital coming up on the 12th. We will observe some educators playing some very...VERY interesting solos. Perhaps their clothing will be....unusual. Perhaps their posture will be way off base. Or maybe they just make a huge mistake. We're are going to have some laughs, and make some observations. And then the same instructor is going to play again. And then let the audience know if he or she made a mistake or not. Perhaps another educator will point it out...............or perhaps that performance will be picture perfect. Then the students will all get a turn to show 'their stuff' too. And we will all learn from each other. In between w...