I hear this question A LOT. As educators, we all want our students to do their very best. Whether they are graphic artists, musicians, fencers or soccer players. The art of doing something well is in the doing. To master something, you must do it well repeatedly. The repetition (in the correct way) is what makes the lesson (whatever the lesson is) stick. Each of our educators has their own point of view on the "Art of Practice" and we will share them in this blog post. I sometimes ask my students or their parents if they only brush their teeth twice a year when they visit the dentist. Of course this is met with laughter, eye rolls, "of course not's". Yet sometimes, our students think that just by attending a once a week lesson they will become a great pianist, or violinist, or vocalist. That's just not the case. Would you want a mechanic who had never looked under a hood fixing your automobile? Would you want the neurosurgeon who had...