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Showing posts from February, 2019

Why am I not hearing alot of music playing when my child practices?

Your musician is multi tasking the minute they decide it's time to make some music.  Get out the instrument and/or books.  Is their stand out?  If they are a bowed player they need to tighten their bow, rosin and then tune their instrument.  That's a lot of thought process for a younger musician.   If their instrument sounds awfully quiet, or it seems their bow is sliding off the strings, ask if they have rosined.  Woodwinds and Brass have to assemble their instruments too! Okay, now all the implements are in place.  Let's start making music.  How about a scale?  What key is my new assigned piece in? Key of D.   D E F.....oh wait, that should be F#.  Go back and start over.  D E F# G A B C D....hmmm, didn't sound exactly right.  Oh yeah, C is supposed to be sharp.  Go back and start over.  Now that they are warmed up finger/reed/airflow wise, let's get to work on their assigne...