Sure, it's fun to figure out songs by ear. It's a gift, not everyone can do it. But reading music...…….that's the gift that keeps on giving. When I look at music I see a key signature, time signature, I see note values, rhythms. What does that mean in a language a non musician can understand? I see an accent (New England/Southern/Italian) in the key signature. It tells me which pitches I will most consistently be playing in a piece. Whether it will sound happy or sad. Where the 'twang' will come from so to speak. The time signature tells me which note equals one beat in a measure, and how many beats are contained in each measure. Do I need to count 3, 4, 6, 12? Building strong match skills. In the photos above I see pitches broken down into rhythms that equal 1.5 beats, 1 beat, 3 beats. Lengths of notes tied together to make longer notes. Rests that are worth 1/2 a beat....