I don't know if it's the teacher in me, but I always like to see what's new in back to school shopping. I loved being a student, so that may be part of it too. So I was looking at all the back to school deals, and here are some I would like to share with you. I am an Amazon Associate, so if you were to purchase through one of my links (at no cost to you) I would get a small percentage. What teacher doesn't need a box of Pre-Sharpened pencils ? Limited time deal 150 pencils for just $12.00! Every class subject needs their own color folder Get prepared for the next decade with 100 folders just $16.00! Limited Time Deal Pre School Teachers Alert! A 36 pack o f playdoh just $19.99! Limited Time Deal Got to have more erasers, those tiny pencil erasers do not last long. Limited Time Deal, 12 Eraser box for just $5.54 What teacher, student or musician doesn't need s heet protectors ? Limited Time Deal, 20...
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