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Lessons from a HomeSchooling Parents Perspective

A great big thank you to Carrie S Moore, home-schooling parent of 5 children plus the caregiver to darling husband Nate, a favorite dog and dozens of chickens.

When our daughter showed interest in learning to play the

violin we realized that seeking outside lessons was about

putting our faith and trust in an expert of that instrument. 

Though my husband has a substantial background in music,

he isn't knowledgable in this particular instrument, so we put

our trust in Ms. Sandie. We went in realizing that our 

daughter wasn't going to be an expert of the instrument

over night, but that it would take time for her to be proficient

at the instrument.

As a homeschooling mother of five, I know that practice

makes perfect. Just as you need to practice your math facts

to master them, so you need to practice your instrument to

master it. Allowing our child to struggle in its challenges,

and putting our faith in an expert who knows what they're

doing would help her master this specialized skill. This is why

we found it important to never step in, especially when we 

are not knowledgeable in the violin. This could be a

hindrance rather than a help!

Our daughter, Therese, has been studying with Ms. Sandie

for three years now and we can't believe how much

headway she has made. Her ability to read music and play

the violin as well as she does took time, but it was time well

spent. She still has a long way to go if she is to master the 

violin, but with practice and trust in Ms. Sandie's expertise,

we know she will get there some day!


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