Time. Not just starting on time (though punctuality is a priority!) but time to learn, to grow, to practice and improve. Time to put your best work out there. But also time to arrange the date (a year in advance) make sure the insurance is paid up, design and order the passes, get all the students names, pieces and length of piece from the educators. Do the math of the solos and ensemble length of songs to make sure we don't go over our allotted time. Combine in an attractive and not overwhelming order. Change who is in what recital because of conflicts of events (dance recitals!, softball finals!) Change more because now we have duplicates. Get program to the printers. (Forget half the programs at the studio)
Make sure we have all the wires, plugs, strings, rosin, music stands, music, instruments. Set up the ensemble chairs, the keyboard, move the piano. Don't forget to put everything back where we got it! All in all, the audience may see a two hour event. We know it's more like 80 hours to make it happen.
Practice. Even the educators need to practice. Accompaniment pieces, saying last names!
Musicians, Parents and Family. We cannot do recital without musicians! Or the parents who bring the musicians to lessons and remind them to work on their music. Or the family members who come to enjoy our gift of music.
Patience. Not just with our students. With each other. Educators get nervous too!
Technology. It can be so helpful, in times like this. Saving memories. Video, photos.
Pride in our students accomplishments. Some of our students have climbed some big hurdles in their music careers. This year we had a student come back from a major surgery. You would never know it. We also had a musician show up to rehearsal from the ER. He performed his piece with a concussion! We also cannot forget the Dad who was very ill, got his girls to recital.....to end up in the ER with a diagnosis of Lyme disease. They are both on the mend. We appreciate those students and parents even more.
A devoted audience. Your applause makes all the butterflies worth while.
Back to making the beautiful music!
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