It's spring! Time for baseball, softball, easter egg hunts, dance recitals, prepping for music recitals, graduations and family trips. I thought I would share with you an economists view about music lessons, particularly missed lessons. She herself is a Suzuki parent, whose children took private instruction when she wrote this article. Thank you Vicky, for allowing us to share this. Make-up Music Lessons from an Economist's Point of View By Vicky Barham, Ph. D. I'm a parent of children enrolled in Suzuki music lessons. I'd like to explain to other parents why I feel - quite strongly, actually - that it is unreasonable of we parents to expect our teachers to make up lessons we miss, even if I know as well as they do just how expensive lessons are, and, equally importantly, how important that weekly contact is with the teacher to keeping practising ticking along smoothly. I think that it is natural for we parents to share the point of view that students should have their ...