Today we are closing the studio at 430 pm due to guessed it! The weather. Makeups have been offered for Sunday, and some have already been taken. Please check your email! We'll Sing with you Soon!
I don't know if it's the teacher in me, but I always like to see what's new in back to school shopping. I loved being a student, so that may be part of it too. So I was looking at all the back to school deals, and here are some I would like to share with you. I am an Amazon Associate, so if you were to purchase through one of my links (at no cost to you) I would get a small percentage. What teacher doesn't need a box of Pre-Sharpened pencils ? Limited time deal 150 pencils for just $12.00! Every class subject needs their own color folder Get prepared for the next decade with 100 folders just $16.00! Limited Time Deal Pre School Teachers Alert! A 36 pack o f playdoh just $19.99! Limited Time Deal Got to have more erasers, those tiny pencil erasers do not last long. Limited Time Deal, 12 Eraser box for just $5.54 What teacher, student or musician doesn't need s heet protectors ? Limited Time Deal, 20...
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