As an educator.......I am hearing more and more excuses from students as they walk through the door. Before they even take their hat/coat/mittens off. As they peel the scarf from around their neck I hear the words I didn't have time to practice this week I was just too busy.
Some of these children are 7 years old. I am sure that no child at that age is too busy to spend some time with the instrument that hopefully they chose to learn.
It's not so much the lack of improvement that troubles me, it's the idea of making the excuse.
My reply is usually did you have time to brush your teeth, eat, sleep, shower. They usually roll their eyes at me with a long yesssssssss. Then I ask did you do your homework for school? Another yes. Did you have time for tv, playdates, video games and they start to see where I'm going. Some say no right away. Some say a little. Some say yes.
Parents and children make choices every day. Just taking a lesson once a week does not a musician make. Making music does make the musician.
So, on this, again another snow day off from school, make some cocoa and ask your child to make some music for you. Music is a joyous event, to be heard, made and enjoyed.
Some of these children are 7 years old. I am sure that no child at that age is too busy to spend some time with the instrument that hopefully they chose to learn.
It's not so much the lack of improvement that troubles me, it's the idea of making the excuse.
My reply is usually did you have time to brush your teeth, eat, sleep, shower. They usually roll their eyes at me with a long yesssssssss. Then I ask did you do your homework for school? Another yes. Did you have time for tv, playdates, video games and they start to see where I'm going. Some say no right away. Some say a little. Some say yes.
Parents and children make choices every day. Just taking a lesson once a week does not a musician make. Making music does make the musician.
So, on this, again another snow day off from school, make some cocoa and ask your child to make some music for you. Music is a joyous event, to be heard, made and enjoyed.
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