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Showing posts from 2011

Officially in our new space for almost 2 weeks

It's been a busy summer. The new space is now complete (the missing music rug has been returned fresh and clean from Whiteway Cleaners) and the curtains are up, the plants are in the window and the music is ringing! What a pleasant space. So happy and fresh. I just found out that back in the 70's a bar called "Fiddlers Green" was here. I think that's not only appropriate.....but poetic. Though the cushy chair and couch are gone, we have new furniture in the waiting room, and full music lessons in each of the teaching rooms. Well almost full. Ms. Joanna has a few spots left, and TJ is joining us to offer guitar soon! Our birthday party schedule is starting to fill up, and our Kindermusik demos which are being held on Sunday September 11th are also filling up. Kindermusik classes will start on the 19th. Change that is hoped and prayed for is always good. I'll be posting pics this afternoon on!/KeysandStringsMusicStudio I hope you will...

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Students Place in the 49th annual fiddle competition at the Irish Feis held in North Haven CT

Today was an exciting morning! Four of our students entered the music competition at the 49th annual Irish Feis held in North Haven. Competitors came from all over the state of Connecticut and areas of NY State. The music instruments featured were fiddle, tin whistle, flute and accordion as well as voice. David Caldarella, in his first ever music competition took 1st place in his category of studying less than 3 years. What's exciting is he made a last minute change this morning to play a different piece than planned. His enthusiasm paid off! Also in her first competition, Rita Sherban put alot of effort into her Reel. Look at the smile on her face! She placed first in her category of studying over three years. Bridget Ruiz entered the music feis for her second year of competition (she took 1st place in her age category last year) This year she placed 2nd, in a more advanced category, and playing two contrasting dances in the key of D Major. Great job! Here she is, holding her trop...

What recital means to me.........

Today's the big day. I never sleep well on 'Recital Eve'. Where'd the stands go, who took the pedal? We forgot to get the programs done? (Promise, they are done, and they are bigger than ever!) Recital to me is so many different things. I always have flashbacks to four years ago when I was so afraid it was my last recital with my 'kids'. Or the triumph of three years ago (I'm still here!). I remember Jay M's first recital, with his crouch like bow and huge smile. Jillian's realization that she did a GREAT job and then how it was even better for me when she invited me to her Christmas Pagent and she played the organ just a few short months later. Or the time Rachel stopped half way through....the entire time I was thinking that has the phrasing but doesn't sound exactly right............and she FLIPPED THE PAPER from top to bottom. Oh how we all laughed on that one. In my mind, there are 130 different stories just like this one. I have been blesse...

Master Classes are almost here

I'm looking forward to this coming week's Performance Master Classes. I sense that alot of of parents and students alike are curious, a bit nervous even. This I hope will be a fun and educational experience for all involved. Even the most seasoned performers can learn something new. For the newer students, this is a good test run for recital coming up on the 12th. We will observe some educators playing some very...VERY interesting solos. Perhaps their clothing will be....unusual. Perhaps their posture will be way off base. Or maybe they just make a huge mistake. We're are going to have some laughs, and make some observations. And then the same instructor is going to play again. And then let the audience know if he or she made a mistake or not. Perhaps another educator will point it out...............or perhaps that performance will be picture perfect. Then the students will all get a turn to show 'their stuff' too. And we will all learn from each other. In between w...

In this busy time of year.....

It's spring! Time for baseball, softball, easter egg hunts, dance recitals, prepping for music recitals, graduations and family trips. I thought I would share with you an economists view about music lessons, particularly missed lessons. She herself is a Suzuki parent, whose children took private instruction when she wrote this article. Thank you Vicky, for allowing us to share this. Make-up Music Lessons from an Economist's Point of View By Vicky Barham, Ph. D. I'm a parent of children enrolled in Suzuki music lessons. I'd like to explain to other parents why I feel - quite strongly, actually - that it is unreasonable of we parents to expect our teachers to make up lessons we miss, even if I know as well as they do just how expensive lessons are, and, equally importantly, how important that weekly contact is with the teacher to keeping practising ticking along smoothly. I think that it is natural for we parents to share the point of view that students should have their ...

Ricky B placed 3rd in the pine derby!

Ricky B recently placed 3rd in the Pinewood Derby and is Moving on to Compete in the district pinewood event. Ricky is in 1st grade and lives with his Mom and Dad in Wallingford. He is an avid Sponge Bob, Batman, Superman and Spiderman fan, and also please a Mean Piano. Congratulations Ricky!

An open discussion about how YOU fit 'music making at home' aka Practice into your lives

As I feel that many people feel the word 'practice' has a negative connotation, I like to use the phrase 'music making at home' with my students and families. Even with this positive spin, I am continually met with 'I don't have time to practice'. It's an epidemic ! Rather than make students feel more guilty or unhappy with themselves or me, I thought we'd start a dialogue among all music families to see how they fit it into their life. My suggestion is always 'grazing'. Play one or two pieces several times in little segments of time. Before the bus comes (if you are an early riser) Right when you get home from school. Again while Mom or Dad make dinner. It's easy to get 15 - 30 minutes in a day if you break it down. Please share with us how you fit it in!

Rock N Bows is ON!

5 amazing days! 4 hours each day! August 15 - 19. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. We need bows, guitars, drummers, percussionist and keyboards. All music included, tshirt for performance and pizza party last day. Sells out every year. Register now, and let us know your song wish and shirt size. Songs chosen so far: Proud Mary! Baby! (for those Justin Bieber fans)

Baroque Ensemble Rehearsal and our Coffee Mate Office Event

Today, we did a FANTASTIC job. I was so impressed with our sight reading. I couldn't have asked for a better group of musicians (and their families) to spend a Sunday afternoon with. Next rehearsal we will be focusing on bowing, dynamics and composer information. A great big thank you for everyone who also participated in our coffee mate office event. Thank you to everyone who brought the delicious cookies and cake. Thanks for experimenting with the brownie idea shout out to Robin and family. I know everyone enjoyed the coffee, treats, music and companionship. A special thank you to Tracy for really helping everyone figure out the new Nescafe Dolce machine.

Ms. Joanna is now a Mommy times 2

Oh....the joy of being a Mother. Or a musical Auntie. Here is the first posting of our newest children! Ms. Joanna is doing great, and the girls are healthy. 5 lbs. and 5.7 lbs. Not posting their names here for privacy, but we'll put more information up in the waiting room. I see a Village class on my schedule very very soon!

Time to make music at home during a snow day

As an educator.......I am hearing more and more excuses from students as they walk through the door. Before they even take their hat/coat/mittens off. As they peel the scarf from around their neck I hear the words I didn't have time to practice this week I was just too busy. Some of these children are 7 years old. I am sure that no child at that age is too busy to spend some time with the instrument that hopefully they chose to learn. It's not so much the lack of improvement that troubles me, it's the idea of making the excuse. My reply is usually did you have time to brush your teeth, eat, sleep, shower. They usually roll their eyes at me with a long yesssssssss. Then I ask did you do your homework for school? Another yes. Did you have time for tv, playdates, video games and they start to see where I'm going. Some say no right away. Some say a little. Some say yes. Parents and children make choices every day. Just taking a lesson once a week does not a music...

More Snow! January 12, 2011

Oh boy, can you believe this? Three major storms hitting us every few days. So, we aren't opening the studio. Surprise! Since I had three days already marked in the month of March for makeups only (no regularly scheduled lessons) I already have made March 9th our full makeup day. Your regular lesson time. So, stay warm, stay safe and I'll sing with you soon! Ms. Sandie

Baroque Ensemble is back on the schedule!

By popular demand, we are again offering Baroque Ensemble starting in February. We will be focusing on those famous composers that we all know and love, such as Bach, Handel, Purcell and Vivaldi, as well as some more obscure composers. We will also be doing some very well arranged contemporary pieces for a bit of flair. We will be meeting Sundays at 4 p.m. until 6:00 biweekly. Though designed for students from Suzuki 2 and up, Ms. Sandie will arrange parts for those in Suzuki 1 if they would like to join us. Fee is $100.00 for the session that runs through June ending with a recital. Join us today!